At our school we offer a wide range of interventions groups to ensure that all of our pupils receive the right kind of learning package to help them navigate through their learning journey. These groups consist of reading, literacy, maths, behavioural, nurture and speaking and listening.
Our ALNCo and Inclusion Manager, Ms Kim Smith will guide you through should your child need any of the interventions during their school career.
“In response to the Code of Practice, using the graduated approach ‘assess, plan, do, review’ becomes a tool initially used by the class teacher to look at the needs across the class, and then plan for any individual children who need additional ‘in class’ support (DfE and DoH, 2015). This can be additional to or different from usual class support, followed by targeted intervention by a specialist teacher through referral, or the most skilful adult to give the extra support.”
SEND IN PRACTICE by Cassie Young
THE research ED GUIDE TO ‘SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS’ edited by Karen Wespieser