Our Visions, Aims and Shared Values
Our Vision
Our School Aims:
Our Shared Values
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Our Visions, Aims and Shared Values
At St. Anne’s School, we asked ‘What should the world of our learners look like as a result of our work?’ The answer- Our learners are 21st century global citizens, moving at a fast-pace towards a hi-tech sustainable future. Our work at St Anne’s has to provide the strong foundation to help them navigate this and prepare them for success, well-being and happiness.
Our vision is ambitious and aspirational. Working at the heart of our community, we are a truly unique all through 3-19 school and we believe that our vision should be at the heart of what we do, every day. We aim to nourish our learners to grow into ‘great oaks’ from their beginnings as ‘little acorns.’
Underpinned by the Guernsey Big Picture Curriculum and the Commitments of the Guernsey Education Strategy, St Anne’s School aims to deliver a broad, ambitious and balanced curriculum along with wide ranging enrichment opportunities at all stages which support pupils to be:
Effective contributors; confident individual; successful learners; responsible citizens; healthy and active; safe and nurtured; included and respected and to reach their individual potential.
In doing so, we will prepare our pupils to take responsibility for themselves, their community and the planet. They will develop resilience to face and embrace the challenges of the future and solve the problems that we cannot yet predict.
We will review the progress of our learners and evaluate our school’s provision against each of Big Picture skills, using a wide range of external and internal quality assurance measures. Continuously adapting our school priorities and development plans, each year we aim to further improve our offer.
‘Great oaks from little acorns grow.’
All members of St Anne’s School Community are GREAT:
G- Global citizens of the future
R- Responsible, resilient & respected
E- Ethical and compassionate
A- Aspirational, innovators & we cherish knowledge
T- Treasured, included & kind